Thursday, March 7, 2013

NC Teacher Pay Slides to the Bottom

To those of us in the classroom, this has been a fact we've lived with for a long time.  Since the salary freeze in 2009, it has been harder and harder for teachers to make ends meet.  Most teachers I know work at least one other job, sometimes two (myself included).

Finally, someone else seems to be taking notice.  For years, we've talked about our aging teacher pool and the need to recruit new teachers.  As a profession, teaching can be a difficult sell for a young adult to spend at least 4 years in school, incur thousands in student loans, then face a pay scale that will stop them from making financial progress for years.  Most teachers will say that they don't do it for the money.  However, as the cost of everything goes up and salaries don't, morale is at an all-time low.  The news reports mention that teachers can boost their salaries by obtaining advanced degrees.  However, other professions with similar degrees earn much more.  They are also treated as experts and professionals in their field instead of being held to intense criticism.  Who knows more about how children learn then a professional educator?  Why not ask them how to improve our schools instead of dictating more mandates as if we are not capable of performing well on our own.  Yes, beginning teachers need support and should reach a level of competence before flying on their own.  This should be similar to an apprenticeship for lawyers or  residency for doctors.

As the state struggles to come up with a pay solution, much talk has focused on pay for performance.  Most people agree that better teachers should be rewarded but who decides what is "better".  I teach students who may never pass a standardized test.  But if that child learns to communicate to another person or take of their personal needs on their own, we've changed their outcome in life. None of this would be recognized by our current system.  Would I be judged as a poor performer?

I know amazing teachers who take on the "tough" kids in regular classes.  Some of these students start the year significantly behind grade level.  Thanks to a good teacher they make over a year's growth but still bomb their EOG.  Should she be paid less?  Why work so hard?

This is a great time for discussion and change.  Let your voice be heard to our legislature.  Below is a link to a powerpoint used to explain our situation to the State School Board.  It's a great visual to share with others...teach them!
State School Board Teacher Pay Powerpoint